Aug 13, 2018 – Controversial Therapy

Aug 13

Controversial Therapy

Two residents of Illwell have caused ‘a bit of a palaver’ with their new business venture.  Some people are ‘up in arms’ and others are calling for an intervention by The Council.  Robert Lockhead and Simon Herbert are real life civil partners and, with the backing of the Illwell Small Businesses Starter Project Fund have finally opened their new clinic ‘Nothing is Everything’ in the hope of attracting many confused and irrational, lost souls to seek help at a low and competitive cost. The therapy that has caused the most controversy is their ‘Christianity Cure’. They do state that’s it’s not just Christianity that they believe they can cure but many other forms of indoctrination.  (Note: Reports elsewhere that this therapy is a ‘new thing’ are completely wrong. Radio Illwell reported this some years ago).

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